• sales.everday@everday.com
  • +886-3 9906099 extension 1308 / 1307

Addressable Manual Call Point

The Everday addressable manual call-point is compatible with a version of the Everday protocol used by several fire / security panel manufacturers, and is used for signaling an emergency or fire situation to an addressable fire / security control panel. 
The main features of this unit are its low quiescent power consumption and low cost. A DIP switch is used for setting the address of the unit within the communication loop. 
This unit returns an analogue value of 16 when the glass is in the normal mode and a value of 64 when the glass panel has been pressed. 
When in alarm the units LED will illuminate by a command from the addressable control panel. 

Build-in isolator is optional. 

Technical Data
Loop Voltage 14-28V dc
Max current at 24V 20uA
Maximum cable resistance 50 ohms
Optional isolator indicator Yellow LED
Operating temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
Humidity (no condensation) 0-95%